If you have symptoms that affect any of these body areas, you may have a hormonal imbalance. Now it is bioidentical hormone replacement therapy that can be recommended by your doctor. There is no evidence to support the superiority of composite bioidene hormones over conventional menopausal hormone therapy. Many advocates and composers of bio-identical hormone recommend the use of saliva hormone tests as a means of offering individualized therapy. However, individual tests are only indicated if there is a narrow therapeutic window for a drug or drug class.
The usual hormones that match are estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. These are used as a treatment for men and women with low or unbalanced hormone. Some prescribed forms of bio-identical hormones have previously been made by a pharmaceutical company. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration Hormone Doctor Near Me approved a range of bio-identical estradiol and progesterone preparations, which are molecularly identical to the structure of hormones generated by the human body. They have undergone safety and purity tests and to ensure that each dose contains the same amount of hormones.
The synthetic hormone replacement therapy study showed a 26% increase in breast cancer risk. Several assessments of the results of the Women’s Health Initiative study, on the other hand, show that bio-identical progesterone can have a protective effect on breast tissue. A review by Desreux et al has emphasized that the use of progesterone helps to counteract the proliferative effects of estrogen in the breast. The most serious risks of hormone replacement therapy are blood clots, heart disease, certain cancers and strokes.
In 2001, the FDA examined a limited number of composite preparations, including eight hormonal compounds. All three estradiol products passed each test; however, two out of five progesterone products failed at least one test of potency, content or uniformity. Hormones can be administered in a variety of ways, including percutaneous skin and vaginal creams, oral pills, topical gels, vaginal rings and tablets, and transdermal patches. Although all preparations of a certain type of estrogen (p. E.g. estradiol) can be molecularly identical before it is introduced into the human body, orally administered estrogens are modified by the liver before entering the bloodstream, and in this process most estrone. Estrogen that overlooks the digestive tract and liver and enters the skin does not become a new form before it enters the bloodstream. Creams and gels applied to the skin also enter the blood directly and without modifications, but the absorption of gels, creams and patches may vary from application to application depending on the temperature and condition of the skin.
It can also be combined with blood and saliva tests of hormone levels and the use of pharmaceutical compounds to obtain hormones in an attempt to achieve a specific level of hormones in the body. Some advocates of bio-identical hormone replacement therapy have not been confirmed by scientific evidence. Specific hormones used in BHT include estrone, estradiol, progesterone (available in both FDA-approved products and pharmacy-compound products), testosterone, dehydro-epiandrosterone and estriol . Michael Cirigliano and Judi Chervenak have stated in literature reviews on BHT that large-scale peer-reviewed studies should be used to determine the safety, efficacy and beliefs about the use of bio-identical hormones. Two 2008 studies conducted in France found that estradiol plus micronized progesterone did not increase the incidence of breast cancer, while a comparison of estradiol plus different types of progestin found a reduced risk of invasive breast cancer with micronized progesterone.