Our solutions include investment services, insurance solutions, estate and business succession planning and much more. Living a “good” life is hard to define, but part of it is making sure you leave a legacy, not a disaster. In the case of your personal finances, this is where estate planning plays a crucial role.

Careful planning can now help minimize taxes and inheritance costs and ensure your family has less to worry about when you’re away; However, failure to make plans for your estate can lead to unwanted complications for your descendants. A settlor is a person who creates the estate and owns the assets in estate planning. They create a trust to hold assets on behalf of the beneficiary or legal heirs. The beneficiary can be an individual or a group of individuals.

When planning your estate, consider the probate process, especially if you want your beneficiaries to have quick access to your assets. Not all states require legalization, and it can be a very complicated process. For example, New York State does not require an account with designated beneficiaries to go through the probate process, including life and retirement insurance accounts. You can use life insurance to leave income for your survivors, take care of your children’s education, pay your mortgage, and transfer assets. In addition, life insurance can replace wealth lost due to expenses and taxes.

There are methods to pass on wealth tax-free to your children while you are still alive. The sooner you start doing this, the better you can take advantage of tax-free fees. If you were incapacitated for work without a durable power of attorney, then an extremely expensive and time-consuming legal proceeding must be carried out to manage a guardianship on your behalf. As a business owner, another benefit of estate planning is the ability to decide who takes over and how finances are distributed or organized.

Estate planning ensures that all of your assets — physical, financial and online — are inherited by the people you want them transferred to after your death. The law may not take into account your personal relationships or preferences when distributing your assets if you die intestate. At times when your family may be emotionally exhausted, financial and legal pain is the last thing you want them to experience. With careful estate planning, you can safeguard the long-term financial interest of your loved ones and minimize legal rigor. As explained above, if you die with assets held in your individual name, these assets must be managed at the direction of the probate before they can pass to the beneficiaries. When executing a will, you can specify who you want to serve as your “personal representative” to handle your estate.

There are several benefits if you leave your assets to your family members in a special lifetime trust. The assets are protected from the creditors of the beneficiary. Assets are not subject to distribution in the event that the beneficiary separates. The tax liability generated by the assets may be deferred or taxed at lower levels. Under current law, by 2017, you can leave up to $5,490,000 of your assets to your family members in a trust in which the assets, and all income and future valuation of those assets, will be forever exempt from future inheritance tax.

If you want to keep your financial and personal decisions private, it’s best to run a revocable trust and transfer all of your assets to the trust while you live. A revocable trust prevents your skifteretsattest dødsbo personal financial situation and intended beneficiaries from being made public. There are a number of estate planning tools and resources that you can use depending on your financial situation.