The first thing to consider when looking for a headless CMS is exactly what your business needs from such a system. On which channels and devices does your organization want to publish content? This is especially important because headless CMSs are more technically demanding than traditional systems, so the development team will play a prominent role in bringing the resulting digital experience to life. You may have noticed references on this page to digital experience platforms. A digital experience platform is a type of content management system that includes additional features and functionality to help businesses manage their online presence.

Lumavate is an example of a headless CMS with a front-end infrastructure developed. This is because Lumavate was developed as a digital experience platform. The goal in mind was to give non-technical users all the tools to build the digital experiences they need without having to worry about the code involved. Contentful was a pioneer in the field of headless approach to content management and is now pioneering the evolution towards a platform-first approach. While a headless CMS software solution focuses on delivering content, Contentful® Composable Content Platform goes beyond delivery and provides a central hub for creating, assembling, editing, and managing content. By separating the front-end from the back-end and organizing content with predictable content models, a composable content platform enables content publishers and developers to work in parallel.

The marketer can optimize page speed and web vitality without addressing the errors of backend technology. This makes it a very favorable decision for businesses that want a great website with exceptional content management. Based on their requirements, they need to weigh the pros and cons of traditional CMS versus headless CMS and choose the optimal approach for their website. The headless nature of this new type of content management system is changing the way content is stored and distributed. The headless CMS solves the need to serve the same content to a growing number of platforms and devices. Due to the high demands of the digital age, companies are focusing on connecting customers through different channels and helping them in their buyer journey.

A DXP typically includes features such as ecommerce, marketing automation, and analytics. Content reuse is an important part of making the most of the resources spent on content creation. When all content is accessible for use on any digital endpoint, digital teams can reuse content across devices and channels. It also enables headless content management system content to scale across regions, use cases, and campaigns. Content can be optimized for different user experiences by integrating personalization and localization tools to ensure that the right content reaches the right audience at the right time. A composable content platform is the next evolution of content management.

Because a headless CMS separates content from the screen, it can be used on any device, from smartphones to tablets to desktops. A headless content management system enables composable content, allowing for flexible content structures and giving developers the freedom to create content the way they want to use it. The headless architecture also allows developers to innovate and future-proof the system. A monolithic CMS, or linked CMS, is an all-in-one solution that allows you to store, manage, and publish content on a website.

Content hosted on a headless CMS is delivered via API for seamless viewing on any site, device, or other digital touchpoint. This makes content in a headless CMS infinitely reusable, regardless of what omnichannel customer experience they’re looking for today or what channels are emerging in the future. This is different from WordPress and other monolithic CMS that closely link the front-end to the back-end, keeping it locked in how content can be displayed. With its secure backend and agnostic front-end, Decoupled Drupal focuses on the best of both worlds, with endless possibilities for content creation and delivery. We could choose a headless CMS that was appropriate for our situation, but there are many variables to consider when choosing a headless CMS.

We needed specifically structured content, custom time zone management, and the ability to create and update CMS documents through an API. We found that Sanity meets those needs well because we have technical resources available to manage CMS configuration and coordinate the interaction between the CMS and our user-facing applications. I would recommend Sanity to anyone looking for a headless CMS, unless you want to be able to set up a system without attracting engineers. Web designers should add features based on changes in customer behavior. The headless approach ensures that they focus only on the content part to create personalized pages that provide unique experiences to customers. This is the easiest way to maintain visitor interest and convert it into a customer for the long term.

Headless allows you to manage your content across multiple platforms from a single source of truth, change development tools at any time, and take advantage of sending your content to powerful cloud-based hosting. When we talk about CMS, the body is used to describe where it is stored and creates its content. The heading, or presentation layer, is used to describe where your content ends: the visual presentation of digital properties such as websites or mobile apps. Adobe Experience Manager is another example of a CMS that was not originally designed as a CMS, but can be used with a stand-alone front-end.