How To Choose The Best Songs For The Release Of Your EP And Album Recording Artist Development And Vocal Development

You need to choose suitable songs that work with your own vocal style, range and sound, and that are not over the top. This can make or break when it comes to impressing the panel, the judges and the audience. I recommend ballads to students who are just starting their voice training. With a slower song, you have more time to find tones, form vowels, and breathe between sentences. Through constant training and practice, your reflective and muscular function will improve so that you can eventually sing songs that are faster.

A key to easy singing and sounding professional is how to deal with vowels and maintain pronunciation consistency without drowning out your voice with overly emphasized consonants. Now that you’ve found your starting point and determined which genres can work best, it’s time to start perfecting what the crowd wants. The first songs you play in front of a new audience are like an introduction, so it’s smart to play them a little safe until you get to know yourself better. Depending on the audience, Top 40 music is usually a safe bet, as most people listen to these songs on a daily basis.

It is also important that the first song is one that you can play and sing perfectly without exceptional monitors. And F.O.H. usually adjust the sound levels during the first song of the set, so keep this in mind when selecting your first song. Between the first and last song, choose the songs that have different tempos from each other. For example, add some segues between songs and also leave space between songs for the lead singer to talk and communicate with the audience. Organizing the setlist of songs in this order ensures that your live performance has a dynamic flow.

If you sing an up-tempo song and sound great, you get energized by the atmosphere. By immediately attracting the attention of the judges, your performance can stand out from the rest. Don’t choose songs that you can’t perform without problems. If you can play or sing the song 98 percent, that’s still not good enough!

Your performance should include a selection of songs with a high tempo, a slower tempo and an average tempo. Sometimes solo bands/artists play an original song that sounds like it belongs to a different genre category. To a professional who will suggest that artists haven’t found their sound yet. It’s best to prepare three of your best songs that represent your style and genre. You should also rehearse with segues from one song to another without interruption so that there is a smooth transition from one song to another and not all songs are in the same key. Without a sequel, the dead space between each song might seem a little awkward, especially since you’re only performing three songs.

The next thing to consider when choosing a karaoke song is your vocal ability. So far, you should have a list of possible numbers to choose from, but now you need to narrow it down further. We’ll discuss each point individually so that at the end of this post, you’ll know exactly which song to sing at your next karaoke party! There’s even a list of the top 20 karaoke songs at the end of this post to give you more inspiration!

In addition to having the right sound and style to match your song, you should also listen to the singer’s signature sound. It may seem incredible when a singer sounds a lot like a well-known vocalist, like Celine Dion or House Bruno Mars. But this can work against you when you’re trying to release your songs on other artists. This is because they may feel like you originally wanted to make a song for the specific artist your singer looks like.

But professional singers with great vocal ability know that this is not enough. Vocal range, tone, clarity, enunciation, resistance, staying on the key… How do you determine if a singer has the level of singing talent you’re looking for? You can see it by hearing them sing, including sample recordings and live performances. Those singers can serve as tonal role models for you, as you develop your tone and style. You may find it hard to think about singers like the one you sound like, but keep that question in mind as you listen to different artists and watch those who feel a more natural fit than others!


